The research entitled “Effect Of Verbal Tennis Learning Strategy In Historical Learning Achievement Of XI IPS Students In SMANegeri 1 DarulImarah”, aims to determine the effect of the application of information hunting learning aims to analyze the effects arising after learning by using verbal tennis learning strategies specifically the learning achievement of students of class XI IPS in SMA Negeri 1 Darul Imarah. The material taught is the development of European colonialism and imperialism. This research uses a quantitative approach and type of experimental research. The population in this study were all students of class XI IPS, amounting to 65 students consisting of 3 classes. The sample used was class XI IPS 1 as a control class and class XI IPS 3 as an experimental class in each class with 20 students. The data collection technique in this study was using tests and documentation. The stage of data analysis techniques in this study are (1) calculating the average; (2) calculate the variance and standard deviation; (3) test data distribution normality; (4) test of variance homogeneity; and (5) t-test. Based on the data analysis stage, it is obtained: the average value of the experimental class and control class is 83.25: 70.75. The variance and standard deviation of the experimental class are 131.39 and 11.46, while the control classes are 113.99 and 10.67. The normality test of the experimental class is 5.72 and the control class is 1.48. The homogeneity test of the final test variance of the experimental and control classes was 1.15 and the t-test results were 3.56. The results of the study found were the application of verbal tennis learning strategies affect the historical learning achievement of students of class XI IPS in SMA 1 Darul Imarah. This is evidenced based on the results of the data analysis above that the average value of the experimental class students is higher than the control class. Distribution of final test data for students in the experimental class and control class is normally distributed based on the significant level of Xcount≤ Xtable, namely 5.72≤ 7.81 and 1.48≤ 7.81. For the homogeneity test Fcount≤Ftable = 1.15≤ 2.14 then the variance of the experimental class and homogeneous control class. The results of the t-test in analyzing the effect of learning outcomes by using verbal tennis learning strategies obtained by the t-test is t count = 3.56 while t-table = 1.70. Means that tcount ≥ ttable = 3.56 ≥ 1.70. Thus, according to the testing criteria Ha is accepted.
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