Guidline for Author

Author Guidelines

Submission Guidelines ​

The length of the submitted manuscript must be between 3000-4000 words ( including tables , figures and references ).

The manuscript has not been previously published elsewhere .

Manuscripts will be checked to avoid plagiarism .

The manuscript is presented in the following components :

Title : Center , Bold, Times New Roman size 14, Maximum 14 words, The first letter of each word is a capital letter .

Author 's name : typed under the title in Times New Roman font, size 10 without a title and should not be abbreviated . Under the author's name , must be written the field of expertise / department , name of institution , and e-mail address , Times New Roman font, size 10.

Abstract : An abstract is a summary of the contents of a report or paper written briefly , concisely and clearly . An abstract consists of 100 to 250 words. The abstract is written using justified paragraphs or aligned left and right . For all foreign terms , they are written in italics . The contents of the abstract must be informative , explaining the problems raised and the solutions obtained .

Keywords : Keywords consist of at least 5 words that are related and represent the content of the community service activities carried out . Separated by a semicolon

Introduction : typed in capital letters [Times New Roman font, size 12, Bold]. The article is created using Microsoft Word, single -spaced , font size is 10pt,font type is Times New Roman, and ranges from 6-12 pages . The introduction is written without subtitlesthat contain an explanation of the background to the objectives of community service activities . If there are terms in foreign languages, then they are written in italic format. Please describe the issues raised in the community service activities . At the end of the introduction , describe the objectives of the community service that you want to achieve from your community service activities .

Methods: describes the research approach used , object , variables or focus of research , research location , population and sample / informant , instrument , data collection technique , data analysis technique . The order of writing the method is adjusted to the type of research [ Times New Roman font, size 10, normal].

Results and Discussion : research results present research results as they are / honestly , representative results represent findings and lead to discussion , contain tables , graphs / diagrams that are explained so that readers can easily understand . Results are written following the method . The discussion section is separate from the results , so that the discussion does not repeat the results . The discussion describes the phenomena obtained from the research results , connecting with relevant reference sources . The discussion contains : what is the meaning of research , so that the basic assumptions of whether the research results strengthen the results of previous research , improve or even contradict . If the findings are contradictory , then the author must convince the reader that these findings are better than those [ Times New Roman font, size 10, normal].

Conclusion and recommendation for future: summary of the research problem , objectives and proposed solutions . The conclusion includes the contribution of the research to the field of science as a whole ( current ). Suggestions for further research are things that other researchers can do to improve your research . Do not repeat research results , abstracts or present them very flat [ Times New Roman font, size 10, normal].

Acknowledgements : Describe anyone who directly helped your research such as funders ( institutions called non-personal ) , colleagues ( not members of the research ), grammar ( proofreaders), and reviewers who provided constructive suggestions. Do not include names listed in the author list of the article .

References : Writing references or bibliographies MUST be done using Reference Manager Software, such as Mendeley, Zotero, in APA format, Times New Roman font size 10. The references used are national or international scientific journals ,the latest books , research results , proceedings , community service reports , or patents within a period of at least the last 5 years .

Manuscripts must be typed in Openoffice , Microsoft Word or RTF format using Times New Roman font, size 10, single spacing , on A4 paper .

If the paper is accepted for publication , the author will be asked to pay the article publication fee .

Persons interested in purchasing the printed MediaTIK Journal may contact the journal management .

All manuscripts must be submitted online via the Online Submission menu. Make sure the manuscript submitted for peer review is in the form of a blind review.