- Buhus : Jurnal Studi Ilmu Keislaman2024-11-05T17:15:37+00:00Riyan Kajhuriyanspersonal@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<div class="introduction"> <p><strong>Journal Title : eL - Buhus : Jurnal Studi Ilmu Keislaman<br>ISSN : </strong>XXXX-XXXX(Online)<strong><br>DOI : </strong>by Crossref<strong><br>Editor in Chief : Dr. Muliadi, S.Ag., M.Ag.<br>Managing Editor : Dr. Zulfatmi, S.Ag., M.Ag<br>Publisher : </strong>CV Naskah Aceh<strong><br>Frequency : </strong>Two issues per year (February and August)</p> <p><strong>eL - Buhus : Jurnal Studi Ilmu Keislaman </strong>have gone through a peer review process, reviewed in a closed manner (blind review) by reviewers appointed by the Editorial Board according to their field of expertise.</p> <p><strong>Office address:</strong></p> <p>Desa Cot Cut, Kecamatan Kuta Baro Kabupaten Aceh Besar – Kode Pos 23372<br><strong>Email:</strong> <em></em></p> </div> BERJAMAAH DAN SHALAT SUNNAH DALAM MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS IBADAH SEHARI-HARI 2024-11-05T17:14:25+00:00Hayatul Safda<p>Shalat merupakan sa;ah satu ibadah wajib umat muslim dan shalat merupakan sarana komunikasi antara seorang hamba dengan Tuhan-Nya sebagai suatu bentuk ibadaha yang didalamnya terdapat sebuah amalan yang tersusun dari beberapa ucapan dan perbuatan. Shalat terdiri dari shalat fardhu dan shalat sunnah. Shalat berjamaah adalah shalat bersama yang sekurang-kurangnya terdiri dari dua orang yaitu seorang imam dan makmum, dimana seorang makmum harus mengikuti perbuatan imam dan tidak boleh mendahului setiap gerakannya. Shalat berjamaah dapat membuat kita mendapatkan pahala yang lebih banyak daripada ketika melaksanakan shalat sendirian atau munfarid. Shalat sunnah adala shalat yang apabila dilaksanakan mendapat pahala, sedangkan jika tidak melaksanakan tidak apa-apa.</p>2024-09-22T03:02:20+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eL - Buhus : Jurnal Studi Ilmu Keislaman MEMPELAJARI HADITS DIRAYAH DAN RIWAYAH2024-11-05T17:15:37+00:00Abdul<p>This writing aims to discuss fundamentally the meaning of Ulumul Hadith and the development of Hadith Science. This writing method is qualitative using descriptive methods through theoretical analysis and literature study. The results of this writing conclude that Ulumul Hadith is a science that discusses Hadith as explained by several figures, as well as explaining the scope and subject matter. This writing has significance for the development of Hadith Science, considering that there are so many discourses regarding Ulumul Hadith. The conclusion of this research is that the study of Ulumul Hadith has an important role in understanding Hadith systematically and comprehensively.</p>2024-09-22T03:02:28+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eL - Buhus : Jurnal Studi Ilmu Keislaman RESTRUKTURISASI PEMBIAYAAN BERMASALAH DAN AKAD PASCA COVID-19 DI BSI ACEH2024-11-05T17:15:24+00:00Astriyanthi<p>During the Covid 19 pandemic, many people experienced congestion in paying credit. To overcome bad credit, the government issued a restructuring policy. This research examines the restructuring of troubled financing and contracts at BSI in Aceh Province. As for the respondents in this study were the banking sector. The conclusion obtained is to restructure the banking sector to do several things, namely insurance claims, and selling customer assets.</p>2024-09-22T03:02:34+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eL - Buhus : Jurnal Studi Ilmu Keislaman NAFSU SHAHWAT, GHAZAB DAN PENYAKIT-PENYAKIT HATI OLEH IRHAMNA ZHAFIRA DAN<p>Tulisan ini berusaha mengetahui pandangan al-Qur’an tentang syahwat. Al-Qur’an menggambarkan zyabwat dengan bal yang berhubungan dengan kesenangan dan biasanya cenderung mengarub kepada bal-bal yang negatif. Syabwat memiliki dampak positif dan negatif. Dari sisi positif, syahwat merupakan faktor penggerak terkuat pada jiwa manusia; tangga menuju kesempurnaan; peryumulan internal jiwa manusia. Namun, sisi negatif, syabwat mengakibatkan manusia jauh dari kebenaran; mengakibatkan kemuliaan manusia terjatub. Syabwat dapat pula memunculkan bencana bila dipenuhi dengan melampui batas. (This paper aims to find out the views of the Koran about lust. The Holy Qur’an describes lust with things associated with pleasure and usually tend to lead to negative things. Lust bas positive and negative effects. On the positive side, Inst is the strongest driving factor of the buman pryche; ladder towards perfection; internal struggle of the buman spirit. However, the negative side, lust lead people away from the truth; resulting in fallen buman glory. Lust can also bring disaster if filled with excceeded the limit.]</p>2024-09-22T03:02:42+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eL - Buhus : Jurnal Studi Ilmu Keislaman SANAT DALAM PEMAHAMAN MATAN HADIS: PENDEKATAN KRITIKAL TERHADAP INTERPRETASI KONTEMPORER2024-11-05T17:15:02+00:00Marsya<p>This article discusses the role of sanat analysis in understanding matan hadits with a focus on critical approaches to contemporary interpretation. This research method is based on literature analysis carried out through academic databases such as Google Scholar. Related scientific articles and journals were studied to explore understanding of the use of sanat analysis in the context of understanding hadits in Islam. This research highlights the significance of sanat analysis as a critical tool in interpreting and exploring the deeper meaning of matan hadits. The sanat analysis methodology, which involves understanding language, sentence structure, historical context, as well as evaluating the reliability of hadits sanad, is emphasized in this article. Using a search method in the Scholar Library, this article illustrates the relevance of sanat analysis in evaluating and interpreting hadits in a contemporary context. The results of this research show that critical approaches such as sanat analysis provide an important contribution in ensuring the continued relevance of understanding hadits in the Islamic religion in the modern era.</p>2024-09-22T03:02:51+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 eL - Buhus : Jurnal Studi Ilmu Keislaman