Penelitian Progresif2024-10-30T07:19:39+00:00Dr. Mulidi Kurdi, Journal Systems<div class="introduction"> <p><strong>Journal Title : JPP: Jurnal Penelitian Progresif<br>ISSN : </strong>2963-4369 (Online)<strong><br>DOI : </strong>by Crossref<strong><br>Editor in Chief : Dr. Zaiyad Zubaidi., M.Ag<br>Managing Editor : Ulfa Irani Z, M.Pd<br>Publisher : </strong>CV Naskah Aceh<strong><br>Frequency : </strong>Two issues per year (February and August)</p> <p><strong>JPP: Jurnal Penelitian Progresif </strong>have gone through a peer review process, reviewed in a closed manner (blind review) by reviewers appointed by the Editorial Board according to their field of expertise.</p> <p><strong>Office address:</strong></p> <p>Desa Cot Cut, Kecamatan Kuta Baro Kabupaten Aceh Besar – Kode Pos 23372<br><strong>Email:</strong> <em></em></p> </div>