About the Journal

This Journal is a free and open-access journal published by CV Naskah Aceh.This Journal provides media to publish scientific articles from scholars and experts around the world. All published article URLs will have a digital object identifier (DOI).

Publication schedule: Maret s.d dn September s.d Januari| more info
Language: Indonesia | English (for Abstract Only)
APC: 200 K IDR (submission, publishing) | more info
Indexing: PKPIndex, EBSCO, Google Scholar | more info
OAI address: kreasibangsa.com

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Editor in Chief:
Dr. Hayati, M.Ag







Support Contact
Fahmi Hanifa
Phone 085260386296

Journal of Naskah Aceh is a free and open-access journal published by CV Naskah Aceh under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.